Welcome to the "Clean Slate System Update" with
BCW 6.0 Systems Update
Quick Notes About Video Playback Settings
To see any of the videos in full screen after starting the video with the play button then selecting the "expand icon" which is normally located in the bottom right on your screen as it may be difficult to see the full video on mobile or in it's small placement on this landing page.
Additionally feel free to watch any of the videos in 2X (or a faster speed) by simply starting the video with the play button then selecting the icon that looks like a "gear icon" normally in the bottom right. At that point you can select your play back speed of normal up to maximum of 2X.
(Earnest typically watches everything in 2X other than movies with his family lol)
Additionally feel free to watch any of the videos in 2X (or a faster speed) by simply starting the video with the play button then selecting the icon that looks like a "gear icon" normally in the bottom right. At that point you can select your play back speed of normal up to maximum of 2X.
(Earnest typically watches everything in 2X other than movies with his family lol)
Step 1) Before reviewing the new document attached on this page. Please watch the video below for the updates to the Clean Slate System and the new roll out of the curriculum doc
Community highlights once clean slate system rolled out! Your time is coming soon too...
Sneak Peak of New Assets Created...
Step 2: Click Download Curriculum Doc with the document below
The document size is roughly 36 MB. If you have any issues downloading here please feel free to access the document with the google drive link at the bottom of the page.
Having an issue downloading your "CSS System Updates Document"?
If for some reason the download file link is not working you can go directly to the document here and download it from our hosting service.
Direct Link >>> "CSS System Update Document"
Direct Link >>> "CSS System Update Document"
More real community highlights when you follow the system and workflow...
Trust the process, don't rush the process and embrace the clean slate systems along with the power of persistence and your profiles will be cleaned and optimized for success very soon...
Having an issue downloading your "CSS System Updates Document"?
If for some reason the download file link is not working you can go directly to the document here and download it from our hosting service.
Direct Link >>> "CSS System Update Document"
Direct Link >>> "CSS System Update Document"